Monday, July 28, 2008

365 Days

The awesome Tiny Donna inspired me a few months ago to join Flickr and partake in the 365 project. It's basically a project where you take a photo of yourself every day for a year. I made it to day 99 but had missed a few days here and there. I am restarting but thought I would share the photos I took for the first attempt. Note that the project allows any part of yourself to be in the photo so thats why sometimes you'll only see a foot or a hand etc...

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Could things get any worse?

Had 3 aboriginal girls come into the shop today and 2 of them distracted me while the other one stole my work mobile & my purse with $60 in it and all my cards license etc.

And to make things even worse Billy put in his pin number wrong 3 times so neither of us have a working keycard.

FUCKING FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!