Thursday, February 28, 2008


Not alot to talk about really. Things are good. I am feeling good at the moment. I have a doctors appointment this morning to see how I am going. Things at home are good. Work is doing my head in but its ok.

Here are 2 pics I took yesterday morning of the sunrise:

Pretty huh?

Saturday, February 23, 2008

The past week, weigh in etc

The past week has been really REALLY good. First of all I went back to WW on Saturday and even though I gained last week I was really proud of myself. Then I got my hair done and I love it soooo much. It has made me feel pretty for the first time in ages!!!

Then on Sunday we went and had a "meeting" with Ashleys dad about the possibility of us moving to the US and he was really cool about it and pretty much said it was fine. That was a huge relief as that was really worrying us alot.

Then I got my laptop on Thursday and it has been so cool being able to surf the net from any room I want!! I love it to death! And its pink!! hehe

I went to get a remedial massage this morning and it hurt like hell but it was good for my neck and back. It was a guy and he didn't spare me any pain!! haha

Then I went to my meeting and lost 0.7kg!! YAY!!

So its been a pretty good week I would have to say.

Hope you all are having a great weekend!! And thanks to all of you who have been so supportive of me during this time. You are all so great!!


Thursday, February 21, 2008

My new friend

I'd like to introduce you all to my new friend, Lappy:

Saturday, February 16, 2008

I am a redhead!

So I finally went back to WW today and faced the music. Surprisingly I only gained 0.2kg!! I was pretty shocked as I have kind of gone off the rails here lately. Dealing with the depression diagnoses and being drowsy alot has seen me making some bad food choices.

So I am seeing this as a sign. I am getting back on the damn weightloss wagon!!

In other news I went to the hairdressers today and decided I was going to do something completely different. I have been a brunette for YEARS and I decided to go red!! Now Billy LOVES red hair so I didn't tell him of my plans!

When I got home he freaked out! He loves it so much! And so do I! I love my hairdresser Nella! She is so freaking awesome!!!

Heres some quick pics Billy took in the wind this afternoon:

Saturday, February 9, 2008

2 Years tomorrow!

Tomorrow is our 2nd Wedding Aniversary!!

Still very much in love and happy!!!

We are going our for dinner tonight and then coming home for a quiet night.

Seeming I am getting my laptop when I get paid we decided not to do presents!!

Friday, February 8, 2008

I think I may have depression

I'm going to the doctors this afternoon. I have just taken 4 days off work and there isn't really anything wrong with me. I just convince myself I am sick.

I make any excuse to get out of things because I have no motivation to do anything. I can't even be bothered to make dinner most of the time.

I want to lose weight but how am I going to do it when I can't be bothered getting off my ass to do housework let alone exercise!!

Pretty sad...

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Big Decisions

We might be moving back to the US soon.

This is something we have discussed alot and initially it was going to be in about 5 years. I wanted Ashley to have finished school first as he has an Mental Disability and the school he goes to is wonderful and I have no idea what is available in the US.

But lately things have been pushing us closer and closer to the idea sooner.

Billy is extremely homesick. He is very close to his family. I have no family on this side of the country. We have no close friends so its just us.

We want to have a baby soon and while the health care system over here is much better than there, we have no one to see the baby here. We would have such a closeknot family unit over there.

Also we have a home on an acre of land there which the mortgage is only $450 a month. We pay $1450 a month rent here.

There are so many things that scare me about it, but I love my husband furiously and I love him more than this country. I know he is miserable here. He gave up so much to come here and it eats away at me all the time. His mother is always hinting for us to come back.

I hate the heat here, it never gets this hot there. We would have central heating and aircon in his house. We could have a dog.

There are so many pros and cons for both places, but I know that my husband being happy over rides anything.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

ho hum

I didn't go to my meeting this morning. I could have but I had to take mum to the airport at 11:30 and it would have been too rushed and I hate that.

And its like 37 degrees and so muggy and I feel like crap. Its only 7:15pm and I feel like going to bed already!!

Have been feeling a little down lately. Dunno why. My eating has been terrible too.

We went to mums friends place for dinner last night and had a really great time and I could have gotten so drunk if I wasn't driving!!

I hate this heat.... it makes me so tired and I can't function. Wish we had proper aircon.

I really REALLY want a laptop.. my pc is pretty old (2 years) and I would love to be able to be a little more mobile with it, eg: in bed on the couch etc....

Trying to convince the hubby we can afford it!! hahaha