Friday, February 8, 2008

I think I may have depression

I'm going to the doctors this afternoon. I have just taken 4 days off work and there isn't really anything wrong with me. I just convince myself I am sick.

I make any excuse to get out of things because I have no motivation to do anything. I can't even be bothered to make dinner most of the time.

I want to lose weight but how am I going to do it when I can't be bothered getting off my ass to do housework let alone exercise!!

Pretty sad...


Anonymous said...

Hi Nikki !

You sound like you have a lot on your mind and not much of a support network to talk things out with. Dont beat yourself up, you dont have to be sick to just need some time out !!Doctor's a good idea, just to be sure though.

Sometimes it is totally exhausting just dealing with what life throws at us, let alone trying to find time to look after ourselves. And especially so if you dont have a support network you can fall back on. A women's health person once told me that as much as our husbands love us, men dont really understand the female need to talk things through - they want to fix things or solve our problems because they love us, whereas women figure things out by talking them through, they dont necessarily want someone to sort it out for them. Many women nowadays dont get much social interaction with other women, where they would have a safe place to just download what's on their minds and sort through things in their own way and in their own time. Much like a computer, we store things up and store things up and our systtems get slower and slower until we grind to a halt.
I dont know if you are the type of person that needs to talk through stuff, or if your husband can really listen without wanting to tell you what you should do, but sometimes one just needs a councillor or someoen like that to talk to. Sometimes all one needs is an opportunity to unplug the things that make our minds go round and round in circles and we can start moving forward again and miraculously the energy comes back.

I wish you all the best!

Anonymous said...

hey honey, big hugs to you, dellap said it all really but i am here too if you need someone to talk to. give me a call even. you have my number! :)

love you long time! x

i actually went through a similar thing and left a few jobs and lied to people to get out of spending time with them so i know how u feel.

Kate said...

how did the dr's go nikki? i am in the same boat at the moment too. im too scared to go to the dr's incase - like they have before said 'you only have acute depression im not putting you on meds' and walk away feeling worse than when i went in there. chin up sweetie, i know how tough it can be. xox