Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Well I went to the WW meeting tonight. Not my usual meeting and at night not morning.

And I lost a huge 0.1kg.

I am really mad.

I really wanted to reach my mini-goal of 87kg.

I feel like I have been doing this for nothing.

I eat salad for lunch everyday. I don't have chocolate. I have given up coke, REAL coffee.... so much....

and what do I get.... 0.8kg loss in 3 weeks.... pathetic.

That time of year again

Well my son is back to school tomorrow. The 6 weeks has gone pretty fast.

I got him all new uniforms, shoes & socks on the weekend. So he'll look so good!!

I also got him a new backpack and lunch pack.

I have been going really well with WW. I have kept on my points all week.

I only have 1 day to get to my first mini-goal of 87kg, but I honestly doubt I'll make it. I'm fairly sure I have lost but not that much! I'd need to have lost 2kg.

Lst night I made lamb steaks with baked potatoes & salad and it was sooooo good. And I was such a good girl. There was heaps of leftover but I let my hubby take it all for lunch the next day.

I had Special K this morning but I wasn't too keen on it. Now I remember why I didn't ever buy it!! Oh well.

I have been seeing so many nice clothes in the stores recently and can't wait to go skinny clothes shopping.

I found an awesome black trenchcoat in Target so I lay-byed it in a size 12. I just have to lose weight to fit into it now!

The past few days have been so hot so I havn't really felt like eating much.

Well hope everyone is doing well.

Friday, January 26, 2007

My goals

I decided to set some small goals to help me get to my ultimate goal.

31/01 - 87kg
28/02 - 84kg
31/03 - 81kg
30/04 - 78kg
31/05 - 75kg
30/06 - 72kg
31/07 - 69kg
31/08 - GOAL!

I think I will reward myself everytime I get into a new decade eg: the 70's then the 60's. Not sure exactly what I will reward myself with but I am sure I'll think of something.

My birthday is on the 22nd March and I would REALLY like to be below 80kg by then but I am trying to be realistic.

It has been so hot here so I am finding it hard to get motovated to get out and exercise. I really have to though. I am so slack..... *sigh*

Oh well..... hope everyone is having a great Australia Day.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Going well

Well so far so good.

I have been on track all week so I am hoping for a good result on the scales next week. I havn't had time to exercise so I hope the eating has done enough.

Friday, January 19, 2007


Hi and welcome to my blog.

This is going to be pretty much a journal about my weightloss. I joined Weight Watchers on Monday 8th January. I weighed in at 89.7kg (197lbs). My goal is 65kg (143lbs).

This is probably the 7th time I have joined WW in the past 7 years. I have had varied success with the program with only myself to blame for the failures. I know it works its just getting myself motivated that is hard.

My story:

I was always skinny. Even after gaining 30kg during my preganancy when I was 18, I got back down to size 8 within 3 months. But as I hit my 20's things changed.

I got up to about 70kgs in my early 20's while in a bad relationship. I had no self esteem and didn't care about myself.

I then got out of the relationship and got down to about 55kg.

Then I moved in with my new boyfriend who was 6'2 and loved his food. I began eating the same servings as him without even thinking about it and the weight crept back on again. I hit 65kg when I first joined WW. I struggled to really lose much at all and quit after a few months. The weight kept on piling up and my boyfriend was less and less attracted to me until he basically refused to be intimate with me until I lost the weight. We were together nearly 6 years and for most of that time we had no physical relationship.

Just before it ended I started losing weight and got back down to about 70kg after he moved out.

I then met my now husband on the internet. Him being in the US and me in Australia. We fell for each other quite quickly. After being so miserable for so long and then finally being happy my weight dropped off quickly and when I flew to visit him I was about 65kg and a size 12.

I loved the way I looked. I was happy and finally felt confident.

When I came back to Australia my friend suggested we move in together as we were both living by ourselves. This sounded like a great idea as I needed to save up to get Billy to Australia etc.

So we moved in together and from day 1 I knew it was a mistake. Apart from the fact that she was very hard to live with, she was a large girl herself (about 120kg) and loved her junk food. It wasn't long until I gained back all the weight I had lost plus more.

I was devestated so we both joined WW. At first we both did really well. I lost 5kg in the first 2 weeks. Then she started to skip meetings and slipped back into bad habits. I followed.

Then Billy got here finally and I was so happy that I ate and ate and gained even more weight.

Things got strained with my friend and she moved out (no longer my friend anymore) and I took control of our food etc.

I joined WW about 3 months ago and weighed in at my heaviest 92kg. I didn't keep it up long as I started a new job which made it hard to attend a meeting the same time every week. So I soon gave up.

In the last month I have been going it alone at home, eating plenty of salads and healthy foods.

Then last week I got a coupon in the mail from WW for free joining so I took them up on it. I weighed in at 89.7kg which I was actaully happy about as it means I have lost weight since I joined last time.

I have been really good up until Saturday when I fell and sprained my ankle. I couldn't drive to get to the shops so I was at the mercy of what food we had in the house. So I have kind of gone off track a little bit but am trying to do damage control.

Well I think thats enough about me for now!!