I won these shoes last night on eBay...
Aren't they the cutest shoes in the world!!
OMG! I can't wait to wear them!!!!!!!!
Monday, March 31, 2008
Posted by NikkiD at 9:39 PM 3 comments
Rainy day
It was so cold & rainy today! I loved it! I love winter! I can't wait to be able to wear winter clothes!
I want to lose weight so I can wear my boots and stuff again!!
I am dreading work tomorrow. My boss is coming into the office and I just know he is going to have words with me about my sick time.
I can't help being sick. I wish I wasn't sick so much, its not fun.
I eat healthy and I don't drink or smoke or do drugs yet I get sick alot.
Oh well.
Here's me in my younger days:Wasn't I cute... wonder what happened?
Posted by NikkiD at 8:31 PM 2 comments
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Yep I'm a lazy bugger
Greed: | Medium | |
Gluttony: | Medium | |
Wrath: | Low | |
Sloth: | High | |
Envy: | Very Low | |
Lust: | Low | |
Pride: | Medium |
Discover Your Sins - Click Here
Posted by NikkiD at 8:34 PM 0 comments
Rollercoast day!
Wow today has been up & down! First of all, I didn't get to sleep until really late last night so waking up for my weigh-in was really hard! But I did it and weighed in at exactly 85kg. Thats a loss of 0.5kg this week. Not bad, but I was expecting more as I have been perfect all week! Oh well.
Then I came home to get Billy so we could go get lunch then do our shopping and I decided to quickly log onto the bank to see how much we had. And low and behold 2 amounts have come out with no descriptions yet that I have no idea what they are and we had hardly anything left to buy groceries with! I freaked out and had a bit of a breakdown as we need food for the week and Billy doesn't get paid until Wednesday night.
But we worked it out and got just the essentials and will be eating alot of rice and mince this week.
Then we came home and both of us crashed in bed for about 2 hours and I just woke up not long ago and Billy is still asleep snoring next to me. He is so warm and snuggly!! hehe
One thing I am thinking I need to start watching is my sodium intake. I have been using Calorie King here lately and my sodium intake for yesterday alone was 3500mg approx and the RDI is 1500-2000mg. So I may be retaining fluid which isn't helping the weight loss!!
Posted by NikkiD at 4:55 PM 1 comments
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Head Case
I had my first psychologist appointment tonight. It was good. It was mainly so she could see if psychology sessions would help me. She asked me a bunch of questions and she explained the kind of therapy she thinks would work for me.
Cognitive Behavior Therapy is what we will be using mostly. I am feeling pretty positive and I like her. She wasn't all stuffy like I pictured a psychologist would be!! haha
I also didn't cry which is weird. But I think that will happen in a session soon. She barely scratched the surface, when she starts digging the waterworks will be on full blast I reckon!! She is also happy about the effects of the Zoloft so she is happy about me continuing on that too.
Posted by NikkiD at 7:24 PM 3 comments
God damn it!
I am so sick!! I woke up in the middle of the night and rant to the toilet and threw up. Been doing that most of the night/morning. GREAT! Another sick day. Work is going to be thrilled with me.
I wasn't feeling that flash after dinner but didn't really think about it too much. Billy said he was feeling a bit off too, but he is gone to work so perhaps its just me.
We had kangaroo for dinner so maybe it was that??
I dunno, what I do know is I feel like crapola!
Posted by NikkiD at 7:24 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
You've gotta laugh don't ya
Let me tell you all about my morning.
The alarm goes off at the usual time of 6am, I roll over and hit snooze. I tossed and turned all night last night and eventually fell asleep around 1ish so 9 more minutes of sleep was not alot to ask for.
Eventually got up, got Ash organised for school, got my stuff ready and jumped in the shower at about 6:55. Now Ashley gets a bus to school that is provided from the Government for Special needs kids and it usually comes anytime between 7 - 7:20am. Usually it comes when I am in the shower or just after.
It gets to 7:15 and I am dressed ready to go, and Ash is still here. So I get the car out of the garage and sit in it, with Ash and wait for his bus as I have to go as soon as it arrives to get to work by 8am.
7:25, no bus. I call the bus drivers mobile and it goes straight to voicemail. Ok weird I thought but then maybe they are talking to another parent and they are just running late.
7:35, I start getting worried. I try calling again. Voicemail again.
7:40 - Now this is ridiculous. I have a strange thought that perhaps there is no school today. But I don't recall getting a note to say that.
I go inside and find the latest school newsletter and guess what! They took an extra day off! And its not even apparent unless you REALLY read the newsletter!
So I call work and tell them of my predicament and that I won't be in today.
I love Ash's school but they jack me off sometimes!! But I kinda love them for it cause I need more sleep today anyway!! haha
Love yas
Posted by NikkiD at 8:21 AM 2 comments
Monday, March 24, 2008
Weigh-in & Easter!
How funny is that! I totally forgot to mention my weigh-in on Saturday!! haha
Well I lost 0.7kg! YAY!!
Then Easter happened! haha
This is what I got:And this was the best part:
Posted by NikkiD at 10:56 PM 2 comments
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Birthday Haul
I didn't get too spoilt today as I didn't want too much seeming I got my laptop and all.
Billy got me a new Pandora Charm. It has I love you written around it then a gold heart:
Billy's parents sent me some money from the USA so I got the glass bead you can see on the bracelet here:
I have wanted one of these Pandora Jewelery box's for ages and I was told they weren't available anymore but I saw one at the jeweler's where we got my charms and I got it! I am stoked!!!
So I am pretty damn happy with what I got!!
Posted by NikkiD at 7:55 PM 3 comments
Friday, March 21, 2008
Good Friday
It's Good Friday and we are all off work/school and its great!! We all slept in late and now are just having a lazy day. I have been in bed playing on my laptop most of the day!! hehehe
Tomorrow is my birthday!! YAY!! hehe
Then Sunday is naught chocolate egg day! OH NO!!!
Hope everyone is having a great easter break!
Posted by NikkiD at 1:43 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Good girl
I have been SO good this week. Under points everyday! I am really proud of myself! I can tell that its working too as my pants are a little looser and my scales at home are going down!!
My weigh in day is Saturday which is also my birthday!! eeeek! So lets hope I have a good loss for then!!
We have to bring in cake for our birthday so I got a mud cake tonight as I am not a huge fan so I won't be tempted! Instead I will have a Nestle Choc Mousse (diet of course!!)
I finally made an appointment to see the psychologist next week and I am actually really excited about it.
Hope everyone else is having a good week! I can't wait for the 4 day weekend!! YAY!!
Posted by NikkiD at 9:23 PM 3 comments
Monday, March 17, 2008
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Naughty girl
I was a naughty girl and didn't go to my meeting this morning. I really REALLY wanted to stay in bed with Billy and I did!! hehe
I don't think I would have been happy with the scales anyway.
I was so good for the first half of the week then slide back into bad habits.
I have decided to start drinking Coke Zero again. I have been drinking regular Coke and worked out a can is like 3 points or something!! My god!
Plus I have been getting Cafe Lattes at Maccas in the mornings and they are 3.5 points!! OMG!
So I am going to have to start drinking normal lame instant coffee... waaaaaaah!!
Anyway today has been GREAT!! Billy & I have been so lovey dovey all day!! He is having a nap next to me right now and he is so warm I might just join him!!
I found this cool breakfast tray table thats designed for using in bed and its perfect for my laptop! I found it in homemart for $15!! yeah baby!!
Anyways, off to snuggle!!
Posted by NikkiD at 4:50 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
I have been so good this week, eating within my points everyday!!
Then today I was in a rush cause I had to get fuel on the way to work so I didn't take anything with me for lunch and it was so hot at lunchtime that I couldn't be bothered driving to the forum to get something healthy so I went to the closest place that had a drive thru.... KFC.
I got 9 nuggets and a small chips. Disgusting! I am so peed off! My willpower was so good then splat....
I am really starting to wish we could move to the US sooner. Everything here is just getting to me. Everything is so expensive. Our rent is going to go up again I just know it. We pay per week what our mortgage in the US is a month!! Ridiculous!!
I'm actually looking forward to not being able to work when we get there! I have been working full-time and living out of home at 15 so I would love for someone to be taking care of me for once!! Even when Ashley was a baby I still worked.
Oh well.... life ain't easy.
I'm not sure how I am going on these pills. I have been feeling good until the past couple of days... I dunno....
I feel like I have been neglecting my beautiful hubby. He has been asking for attention and I keep brushing him off. I don't know why.
Poor thing. He is gorgeous and loves me to death. He deserves more than this!
He is asleep right now next to me snoring!! hehe
I love him so much....
Posted by NikkiD at 9:50 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
180 big time
WOW! I had such an awesome and constructive day at work today! I really kicked ass! I really felt like I had everything under control and really starting to get the hang of everything.
Then tonight at home I felt kind of down. I dont know why. Right now I am sitting on the couch in the living room by myself as I have been kinda stand offish towards Billy tonight for no reason and I think he thinks I want to be alone so he has gone into his study.
Weird huh. I don't know why I am in this mood. He has been asking me all night to give him some attention and I feel like its a chore. I never feel like that towards him normally.
Posted by NikkiD at 9:42 PM 1 comments
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Sunday Sunday
Been having a pretty relaxed weekend. Went to my meeting yesterday, had lunch with my boys then did the grocery shopping. Thats it! Came home and we vegged out and watched Lost. We have decided to re-watch the first 3 seasons. We have them on DVD and its really good, we are picking things up that we missed the first time!! Its amazing how complicated and entwined this show is!!
I love it but it also does my head in but I can't get enough of it. Billy even gets into all the extra online content and stuff.
Today has been pretty much the same thing. I have been loading heaps of photos onto Flickr and the link to them is on the right if anyone wants to have a gander.
We are so broke this week. We only got the bare essentials at the grocery store. I hate monthly pay!! Its pay week this week so I can't wait. Getting the laptop kind of wiped us out and I didn't budget very well!! oops!
But all our bills will be caught up on Friday so thats a relief.
Well had better get off here and make some din dins!!
Posted by NikkiD at 6:00 PM 2 comments
Saturday, March 8, 2008
The little things
Its funny how sometimes something small makes you think of big things. A couple of weeks ago I bought the latest New Woman magazine. It came with this cute little striped singlet. Its about a size 10 I would say. There is no way I could fit into it at the moment.
I found myself thinking of how many people bought that magazine and couldn't fit into the top. And it dawned on me that I don't want to be like this anymore. I don't want to only shop in certain stores. I want to be able to see something I like and fit into it.
Today I tried on 5 tops and none of them fit properly. I hate this.
I gained 0.1kg this week. I'm surprised it was only that. Ok I have been sick but I should have plans in place for times like that, not go and get take-away like I did. Starting now I am going to plan meals and stick to this. No more bullshit!!
Posted by NikkiD at 4:11 PM 1 comments
Thursday, March 6, 2008
does anyone read my blog anymore?
I'm feeling kind of lonely here!!
Posted by NikkiD at 3:38 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
God I feel like crap!!!
I hate being sick! I really REALLY wanted to stay home from work today but my boss has been in the office this week and being off sick isn't a cool idea.
I woke up this morning feeling like utter crap. But I got up and had a shower and went to work.
Its my birthday in 17 days... 32. Scary. I am getting old.
I am still overweight. I had planned on getting to goal before I turned 30. That never happened.
Now its more than 2 years later and I am still trying to lose this weight. I don't understand how so many other people can do this. They make it look so easy. To me its just so damn hard.
Being sick this week has made me want to eat less though so at least I will probably have a loss this week.
Posted by NikkiD at 8:44 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
I am having a crap day. I woke up this morning with the flu, but I went to work anyway as I have had too many sick days already.
Was running late so I called the office to let the other guys there know and my boss who is never there answered!! Dammit!!
He wanted to spend the day with me to see what I do and stuff!! Oh hooray!!
It was ok but I felt like crap all day and just wanted to bludge but I couldn't cause he was there...
I kinda hate my job but also love it cause most of the time I do my own thing and as long as the work gets done its all cool.
And also because we are planning on moving to the USA soon the job is just about money in the bank.
My weightloss is going good, so far have lost 2.2kg. I didn't go to my meeting last Saturday as I couldn't be bothered!! pretty slack I know.
I have been really good though so I think it will be a good result this week!!
Well I am off to make a yummy healthy din dins!!
Posted by NikkiD at 6:00 PM 1 comments