Sunday, April 13, 2008

Advice on exercise needed

Ok, I am going to start exercising in some form this week.

I basically have 3 hours in the morning to do it and get ready for work which is right next to my gym. Ashley is on school holidays so I don't even need to get him ready in the mornings so I have NO EXCUSES!!

I am very unfit and am scared! What should I do? Should I go to the gym and use the treadmills, bikes etc or should I go to an actual class?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!


Waffles said...

I would start with the treadmil, (or dreadmill as I like to call it) and the bikes, if you are unfit, then you can do as much as you like or as little:)

The classes can be a bit full on I reckon till you build up your levels?

Says me who is a lazy shit at the moment!!

Good luck!

Trace said...

Considering the post I just wrote on my blog I'm so not the right person to give advice right now. Heh. :) However, what got me started on exercise was a personal trainer. I had very high blood pressure when I started exercising and my fitness levels were terrible so they started me off easy with treadmill, bike, cross trainer and rower. I also did some light weights and boxing (LOVE boxing). My fitness increased quickly though and I really started to enjoy it.

When I've been a member at gym's I've never really liked the classes. I don't know why - maybe because I wasn't co-ordinated enough. :)

Good luck!! Please pass some motivation my way. :)


Kate said...

go to the gym and do a whole heap of cardio! alternate days - one day do a lap of the equipment, the next day do a class. how ideal having your gym next to your work. make the most of it chicki-d!

Unknown said...

don't go too hard at it if you haven't done it in ages. Maybe a month before you do classes. Or try a class once a week. Have fun working out! Can't wait til I get the all clear for next Wednesday!