Saturday, April 26, 2008

Slip sliding away

That's how I feel at the moment... like I am slipping down that mountain that I have been climbing.

I had made it up so far, I could see so much.

I stupidly allowed my meds to run out and now I am paying the price. My appetite has returned with a vengeance and I have gained about a kilogram. I can't stop eating and its making me feel worse. I have been snapping at Billy for no reason, poor beautiful man, he is so damn understanding.

I have a morning weigh-in on Wednesday and goddam it I want my book mark. I have to lose 1.8kg to get it. Now the fact I "gained" 1.4kg at my last weigh-in which was a night meeting, it is doable if I get my ass into gear and really stick to my calories.

I think I've lost most of my readers, not that I had that many anyway.


Trace said...

I'm still reading!! :) Good luck with getting that book mark - I'm sure you'll be able to do it! :)

Kate said...

you can definately lose that nikki. i think the majority is just fluid. no doubt it will be hard especially since running out of meds and being all over the place with moods, but i am so excited to see you so close to your goal :)

Cleo said...

aww hun chin up!
Even if you don't you are still wonderful, those numbers should not rule our lives eh!

Get those meds repeated, and start a new week tomorrow ok?


Anonymous said...

you havent lost me.. i love you lots.

woman, this is not anything like u imagine, i know u are upset about the 'gain' but it wasnt what u think as it was a night weigh in. chin up and keep going... xox