1. Go to http://www.flickr.com/
2. Type in your answer to the question in the search box
3. Use only the first page
4. Insert the picture into your Blog
So here goes.......
1. What is your current relationship stat? A: "Married"
2. Type in your answer to the question in the search box
3. Use only the first page
4. Insert the picture into your Blog
So here goes.......
1. What is your current relationship stat? A: "Married"

2. What is your current mood? A: "Nervous"

3. What is your favorite band/singer? A: "Coldplay"

4. What is your favorite Movie? A: "The Princess Bride"

5. Where do you live? A: "Canning Vale"

6. Where do you work? A: "purgatory"

7. What do you look like? A: "a blob"

8. What do you drive? A: "Kia Rio"
9. What is your favorite TV show? A: "Lost"
10. Describe yourself? A: "unhinged"
11. What are you doing today? A: "being lazy"

12. What did you do last night? A: "stressed out"

13. What is your name? A: "Nikki"

lol im trying to work out why you represent a dog standing up at a window? LOL
Its cause the dogs name is Nikki too.
cute as!!!!!!!
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