I am just being EMO!!!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Taking a break
I'm going to be taking a break from blogging for a while.
I'm taking it all a bit too personally and its getting me down.
Maybe I need to make some "real life" friends.
Posted by NikkiD at 5:49 PM 5 comments
Monday, January 28, 2008
Today's weight 84.7kg
My mum leaves in 5 days and I have to go back to cooking for us!! OH NO!!
She is going to give me some recipes of the stuff she has been making so I can keep eating well.
We are going to introduce meat back into our diets but not too much red meat & chicken, more fish and tofu!
I really need to start going to the gym. There is no sense in losing weight if my body is all blobby and flabby.....
Its hard to find the time though....
Posted by NikkiD at 8:41 AM 2 comments
Saturday, January 26, 2008
WW Weigh-in
I gained 0.3kg today at weigh in. I was however wearing heavier clothes and shoes because mum & I were heading into the city straight after my meeting. But I wasn't really bothered as I have had a bit of an off week this week.
I have also decided to keep this as a purely weightloss blog. Any other stuff I wanna post about will be on my new blog here: http://nikki-otherstuff.blogspot.com/
It is so damn hot here!!
Posted by NikkiD at 6:16 PM 3 comments
Friday, January 25, 2008
Stuff n junk
I got some charms off eBay this week and I got them today!! I didn't have high expectations of them as it was eBay and they weren't genuine Pandora, but they both are so cute and they have the 925 stamp!!
Posted by NikkiD at 10:20 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Heath Ledger
I don't understand.
He was so young, he had an amazing career, he had a beautiful little girl.
My niece was really good friends with his half sister and the family.
Posted by NikkiD at 8:46 AM 2 comments
Monday, January 21, 2008
So tired - todays weight 84.9kg
I woke up late this morning as my beautiful husband forgot to reset the alarm after he got up. But I still got to work on time, I just got ready REALLY fast. Lucky I don't give a flying toss how I look anymore!! haha
Was so damn tired at work all day. Don't know if it was because of the blood giving or what. I still have my damn TTOM and its driving me CRAZY!! I'm so grumpy and I don't like it because I tend to take it out on Billy.
Mum made a really yummy dinner tonight, tofu & spinach canneloni which tasted just like ricotta and spinach!! I am going to miss her cooking when she goes back to QLD, which isn't too far away.
She also made the Bitchtastic Brownies from "Skinny Bitch in the Kitch" and they are yummmmmmm.....
I feel like crap... think I might go to bed..
love yas all.....
Posted by NikkiD at 7:54 PM 3 comments
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Ain't too shabby
I lost 0.2kg this week. Not bad seeming its TTOM and I kind of went off track a couple of times.
I'm pretty stoked I didn't gain actually!!
Oh and yesterday I got home and there was a package for me and it was from a Comp I entered ages ago on some website with Andrew G and I won the Rhianna CD!! Not bad!
Also had a shopping day today, I bought some new clothes for workies and we got a gorgeous new quilt cover for our bed, its a silky teal colour with chinese charactors on it. I will post a pic once the bed is all made.
I'm giving blood tomorrow for the first time EVER so I demanded on having steak for dinner to get my protein and iron levels up!!
We havn't had steak in like forever!!
Posted by NikkiD at 3:56 PM 4 comments
Thursday, January 17, 2008
New Charms
When Billy took me to buy my bracelet & charms they only had 1 I liked at the time and so he promised to take me back and get some more. So tonight we went back and I got an Angel & a Dolphin:
There are so many others I want but from now on they are to be earned with weightloss!!!
I am not sure how well I have done this week weight wise. I have been good about 95% of the time, with the exception of our movie night but the scales are showing a gain, but I also have TTOM.
So hopefully I will drop back down for weigh in.
Posted by NikkiD at 7:15 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Night Out
For the first time in ages, Billy & I had a night out by ourselves. We went to dinner at the Foundry Bar & Grill and the food was so good! I got some seafood thing & Billy got Chicken Parmigiana. We also got some bread & dips to share for entree but it all came out at the same time. I also tried the low calorie beer, Pure Blonde, which wasn't bad!! Here are some piccies:
Then we went to see "I Am Legend". We both really enjoyed it except the ending as a little rushed. But Will Smith is awesome!!
Posted by NikkiD at 9:54 PM 4 comments
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Big Day
We went to the Zoo today. We were there for 5 hours and I was so knackered when we got home. I reckon I got so much exercise!! I also took 160 photos! Here are some of the best ones:
Beautiful lioness:
Big Lion:
Mummy and newborn giraffe:
Pretty flower:
Posted by NikkiD at 8:59 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 12, 2008
1st Weigh in results
Morning all!
Well I weighed in this morning at my WW meeting and have lost 1.8kg!! I think they might be different scales as my regular leader is on holidays and hers always weigh me 0.4kg heavier than my home ones, but these ones weighed me in at 0.6kg heavier so I went there thinking I had lost 2kg, but 1.8kg is FREAKING awesome too!
So I only have 3.2kg to lose before my next charm! YAY!
Posted by NikkiD at 10:10 AM 5 comments
Friday, January 11, 2008
FRIDAY!!! - Todays weight 85.6kg
It's Friday!!
Thank goodness. This week has been so busy at work!
I have a great feeling about my weigh in tomorrow!
We are going to the Zoo on Sunday, I can't wait, I love the Zoo!
Posted by NikkiD at 6:30 PM 2 comments
Thursday, January 10, 2008
New layout
I'm trying to find a new layout but not sure how to do it all.
Don't know if I'll bother as I don't think many people read this anyway!
Posted by NikkiD at 7:42 PM 3 comments
Blah - Todays weight 85.9kg
Feeling a bit blah today. I bet its because of the pizza yesterday.
I was really good today. The guys as work turned up with Red Rooster and the smell was driving me crazy, but I had my tuna & salad.
I then had to go to the shopping centre to get coffee, milk etc for the office and I lingered around the food court but walked away empty handed, then went and bought "Skinny Bitch in the Kitch" a vegan cookbook. Not that I am going to go completely vegan, but I tell you I have felt so much better lately since I have cut down the meat intake.
I am thinking of going back on the Blackmores Weightloss Accelerant again.
Posted by NikkiD at 6:31 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
30 point day!
I ate 30 points today! Lucky I had 9 saved up!
I saved them up for the Pizza we were having at work and I was generous with my points so I probably didn't have quite 30 but it would have been close.
Had salad and a little bit of tempeh for dinner. Was yummy. I felt really sick after the pizza and it wasn't that nice.
Posted by NikkiD at 8:14 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Totally stolen from Donna!
Create Fake Magazine Covers with your own picture at MagMyPic.com
Subscribe to Vogue Magazine at a 63% discount!
Posted by NikkiD at 5:36 PM 2 comments
Monday, January 7, 2008
Day 3
Didn't weigh myself this morning as was running late for work.
Had 19/21 points yesterday and am up to 18 today. I had a 4 point ice cream last night to make up my points and I paid for it today. I havn't been having cows milk and I have been feeling better... stupid ice cream...
It was a stinker today, 38 degrees... yuck yuck!
Billy & I are planning on going to the movies tomorrow night to see I Am Legend. I've been hanging out for this movie for AGES!!!
I have also found a charm I want sooooo bad:
Billy is always calling me the "Princess & the pea" because I am so fussy about stuff!
If you don't know the story go here:
Posted by NikkiD at 8:56 PM 2 comments
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Day 2 - Todays weight = 85.8kg
Well I stuck to my points yesterday and even had 3 left over.
Weighed myself this morning at home and I am now 85.8kg. I was 86.9kg yesterday. I weigh myself after going to the loo in my nighty every morning before brekkie.
So I have lost 1.1kg in 1 day! I'm not trusting it 100% but at least its moving.
Its hard with my mum here because she made my brekkie before I got up this morning so I have to guess how much porridge she cooked.. dammit.
But the upside is she is very healthy so we are eating heaps of veges and not alot of fatty stuff.
I want that next Charm dammit!
Posted by NikkiD at 10:09 AM 3 comments
Saturday, January 5, 2008
My photohunt post

Posted by NikkiD at 5:19 PM 12 comments
Back at WW
Ok, went back and rejoined.
My old leader was so happy to see me! I realised this is my 8th year attempting WW. Sad huh.
Well I weighed in at 88.3kg. My home scales say 87.9kg so a 0.4kg difference.
I am neither happy nor sad. I just need to stick to it and get to GOAL!
Posted by NikkiD at 12:09 PM 1 comments
Friday, January 4, 2008
Tomorrow is D Day!
Tomorrow I am going back to WW and they must have known because they have sent me a Register Free voucher in the mail!
I am a little frightened of being weighed, but I know it must be done!
Wish me luck!
Posted by NikkiD at 6:44 PM 2 comments
Thursday, January 3, 2008
I has BLING!
WEEEEEEEE!! We went and got my Pandora Bracelet today!! They didn't have many charms left so I only got one, the Chinese symbols for Faith Hope and Charity. I have decided that my I will get charms for each 5kg lost. My 5kg reward will be the Breast Cancer Foundation Bead.
My chubby hand:
My 5kg Reward:
Posted by NikkiD at 7:20 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
I love my hubby!
Billy didn't get me a Christmas gift as I couldn't decide what I wanted and he had no idea what to get. I told him that we would wait till the Christmas rush went away and go to the sales.
Anyway inspired my my fellow blogger Tiny Donna I have decided I want a Pandora Charm bracelet like she has. So tomorrow we are going to go and look at them and maybe buy one!! YAY!!
Also BIG news, I have given up Coke Zero. I havn't had one in at least 1 week. I have had 1 normal coke on Christmas day but apart from that NO COKE at all!!
I am pretty proud of myself as I usually have 2-3 cans a day.
Posted by NikkiD at 9:00 PM 4 comments
I'm Melting!!!
Will this heat ever go away? It was 38 today and its going to be 40 tomorrow!
I hate summer! I want to move to Alaska!!! hehehe
First day back at work since Christmas was good, had about a million emails!!
Was pretty good with my eating today. Its hard to eat too much when its hot I reckon. One good thing about summer.... maybe the only good thing!
Posted by NikkiD at 5:40 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
A New Year and new beginnings
Christmas lights on our street:
Posted by NikkiD at 10:29 AM 2 comments