Wednesday, January 2, 2008

I love my hubby!

Billy didn't get me a Christmas gift as I couldn't decide what I wanted and he had no idea what to get. I told him that we would wait till the Christmas rush went away and go to the sales.

Anyway inspired my my fellow blogger Tiny Donna I have decided I want a Pandora Charm bracelet like she has. So tomorrow we are going to go and look at them and maybe buy one!! YAY!!

Also BIG news, I have given up Coke Zero. I havn't had one in at least 1 week. I have had 1 normal coke on Christmas day but apart from that NO COKE at all!!

I am pretty proud of myself as I usually have 2-3 cans a day.


Chris said...

Hi Nikki - wow not coke zero for a week - I am very impressed. I too need to stop the Diet Coke/Coke Zero addiction!!

I managed to do it last year for a couple of months but am back on it.

I dont know about you but I had major withdrawals for the first few days that I wasnt drinking it - man it's so bad for you!!

Gee the charm bracelet sounds really nice.. be sure to post a piccie when you get it :)

Chris xx

Anonymous said...

Oooh, I'm another one who needs to beat the Coke addiction. Diet Coke in my case. Good going, Nikki!

Ruth (Bramble)

♥Kiwi♥ said...

Hey there Nikki

Just popped in to say hi :) Saw you on a link through another blog :)

Good luck with all your weight loss in 2008 :) It is going to be a great year eh :)

I LOVE those Pandora bracelets! My workmate has one and we all get excited when she picks a new charm :)


Anonymous said...

good on you for not having zero coke... i am mad on it.. i cant stop... ahhh!

and ooh i love your new look blog :)
