Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Taking a break

I'm going to be taking a break from blogging for a while.

I'm taking it all a bit too personally and its getting me down.

Maybe I need to make some "real life" friends.


Anonymous said...

Hi Nikki

It's Lisa from Weight Loss Forum (Wilmawalrus).

Hang in there - your encouragement to me is much appreciated, so right back at you.
It's NOT easy, and there are always going to be difficult days, but you CAN do it!!!!

I'm endeavouring not to focus on it too much, and just get on with day to day stuff (I know that's not always easy either).

Just take one day at a time (geez, I'm sounding like a hallmark card), and you'll get there. And look after yourself too - give yourself a pat on the back each day (if you do it literally, you'll laugh, and that's good).

Lisa x

Anonymous said...

woman!!!!! i love you.. dont leave meeeeeeeeeeeee! :D

NikkiD said...

awwwww I love you too Donna!!!

Don't worry... I'm just being a silly emo!

Kate said...

ok what does emo mean? lol im seeing it everywhere. i must be blonde lol.

hang in there nikki, i really enjoy sharing this journey with you. you have come such a long way, and you are definately someone who people can relate to who DONT want to be stick insects. you want to be healthy, happy and fit. what more can you ask for? chin up xox

♥Kiwi♥ said...

Oh Nikki I hope you are ok! Thinking about you xxx